Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Micro economics project about 4 articles (critical analysis) Essay

Micro economics project about 4 articles (critical analysis) - Essay Example These days, however, we’re facing another formidable foe. It’s called real estate. Investors (young and old) have a significant portion of their net worth invested in their homes, and we’re seeing more of them consider adding an income property to their portfolio. I wanted to see what we’re up against, so I put residential real estate through my usual research process. Just as I do with stocks and bonds, I looked at houses and condos from the perspective of economic fundamentals, valuation and market sentiment. Starting with the economics, it would appear the supply side of the equation looks manageable (except maybe condos in Toronto). Housing starts have exceeded household formation for a decade, but the inventory of unsold homes is not excessive. The demand side, however, is less encouraging. What drives real estate over the long term is income growth (i.e. jobs). As Canada becomes less competitive in the global markets and our governments stop prescribing stimulus, employment trends arent too exciting. In the meantime, our home ownership rate has gone from 62 per cent 15 years ago to 70 per cent today, slightly above the level attained in the U.S. in 2006. Still on the demand side, the demographic charts show the segment of the population that’s the strongest net buyer of houses (those aged 25 to 34) is about to start declining, while the pool of potential sellers (over 65) is continuing to increase. The situation is the opposite to what prevailed in the 70’s and 80’s when the early boomers had a huge wave of buyers following behind them. While supply and demand factors are important, what’s really driving real estate these days is financing. Sellers can charge fancy prices when buyers are plugging 2 to 3 per cent into their mortgage calculators. But here too, the trends are worrisome. Rates have little room to drop (despite Bank of Montreal’s efforts) and consumer debt levels are now equivalent to the U.S. at its

Monday, October 28, 2019

World Situation Scope Essay Example for Free

World Situation Scope Essay IA Review of the World Situation Scope This paper will focus its attention on the CIAs assessment of the world situation in regards to terrorism. The focus of the paper will be the September 11th attacks made on American soil as well as go into the history of Al Qaeda, their resources for planning terrorism and their history in recruitment. Since the release of the original document, which discussed the state of world security in May 0f 1949, there has been many changes to the political structure of the areas discussed. At the time of the original document, the major issues which concerned American security involved the recently defeated Germans, the USSR, the Far East, the Near East and Latin America. However, the security of the United States of America has been under constant stress since the attacks of September 11, 2001. Though programs have been altered or created in the National Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Security and the Central Intelligence Agency, there remains a threat on Americans, and American holdings throughout the world. As Andrew Kydd and Barbara Walter explain, there is a distinct politic to the notion of terrorism. However, these tactics are not always effective. There are many events of terrorism in the world each year, yet only a handful are regarded with any merit. According to Kydd and Walter, through a well argued and insightful article, it is the trust between groups that must be destroyed for an extremist attack to be successful. This is the motivation behind the response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. On Begin Match to source 7 in source list: (11-30-05) http://www. adultbuzz. com/121201/page4. phtmlDecember 6, 2001,End Match then Begin Match to source 7 in source list: (11-30-05) http://www. adultbuzz. com/121201/page4. phtmlAttorney General John Ashcroft addressed the Senate Judiciary CommitteeEnd Match in praise of this act, and its restructuring of the NSA, CIA and FBI. (Ashcroft 524) His rhetoric was patriotic and concise, and his views of the USA PATRIOT act and its changes seemed sincere. This was supported with the passage of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, which paved the road for the Patriot act itself. Eric Rosand wrote about the resolution in 2003. His response to its necessity was one of sympathy to the government, for having to face such a difficult challenge. However, not everyone who has commented on the alterations of the US governmental policy has done so with such reverence. David Cole compared the investigations into possible terrorist cells in the United States, to the Palmer Raids of 1919 where, following a series of bombings, J. Edgar Hoover led a series of round ups of immigrants across the country and held them without trial or charge in unconscionable conditions, interrogated incommunicado and in some cases tortured. (529) This attitude has spread throughout the country, as the appearance of impropriety has permeated the governments handling of the terrorists investigations. Mary Jacoby brings up the question of the legal definition of Detainee. This is in response to the holding of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba. The prisoners of this facility have been acquired from around the world from the war in Afghanistan, and from arrests done in dozens of countries around the world. However, the problem arises when the soldiers fighting for the Afghan military are brought in as detainees, rather than prisoners of war. While the Guantanamo prison has its apologists, such as Charles Krauthammer who states that freeing of these men would be lunacy (537) the fact remains, that in strict terms, the United States is in break of the Geneva Convention by holding POWs. Fernando Reinares noted in his article, The Empire Rarely Strikes Back, that after more than 2400 acts of terrorism against American citizens and interests there have been only three occasions of overt military response. (Reinares 92) However, because of the incredible size and depth of impact of the September 11th attacks, war became unavoidable. There did arise a problem with the military action, however, as a growing public opinion seemed to point the target as Islam itself, rather than just Al-Qaeda. This prompted the United States to enlist the help of as many Islamic nations as possible to counter act this perception. (Aretxega 143) This coalition of Islamic nations does nothing to counteract the rise in racial profiling within the United States. Sherry Colb wrote about the foreseen changes in American law enforcement following the September 11th attacks. Her article articulated the problem of racial profiling and its consequences. Cold notes that real numbers do not support profiling. (539) However this does not stop the utilization of profiling in airports, or in traffic stops. However, this too has its supporters, from such sources as law professor Roger Clegg. His response to the topic of racial profiling is one of acceptance and justification. So what? (Clegg 542) Clegg asks of the act of profiling. However his racial make up lends itself easily to such opinions, as an educated white male is rarely accosted for being white, educated or male. Key Findings Research into this fact has revealed that there are several locations outside of the United States where Americans and American holdings are under the greatest threat. There are varied threat levels in these locations, which range from possible altercations, to threats to life and property. However, there are countries which pose a threat to the safety of the United States in ways other than travel advisories. Some nations and their governments have strong anger towards the United States. These nations have alluded to, or are actively pursuing policies which are intended to cause harm to the United States of America. Some of these nations, such as North Korea and Iran, have instituted programs which are designed to test the United States. Other countries have entered into, or have begun to create trade unions which are designed to damage the United States position on the world market. Regardless of the type of threat these nations pose, there remains the necessity to understand and counteract these programs. This is difficult, however, as the degree and sophistication of these programs varies as widely as the threats themselves. The addressing of these issues are of critical importance to the continued safety of the United States and its citizens at home and abroad. Analysis 1. North Korea: Nuclear weapons proliferation. This nation has been a location of turmoil since its liberation from Japanese control following World War II. [i] However, in recent years, the threat of North Korea upon the United States has increased as the power and stability of the North Korean government, under the leadership of Kim Jong- Il, has begun to wane. Over the course of the past few years, Kim Jong-Il has made public statements attesting to his desire to develop nuclear weaponry for possible use against the United States of America. This threat has been elevated as of October 9, 2006. On this date, the North Korean military conducted its first successful test of its nuclear weapon. Though the yield of the weapon was low, reportedly only 550 tons,[ii] it does justify concerns that the government of North Korea may indeed develop a combat ready nuclear devise in the near future. The small yield of the blast is not thought to be indicative of their capabilities, however. Large scale underground nuclear testing requires large areas, 50-60 square miles of desert, to accomplish. North Korea does not have significantly large areas of land that are undeveloped or do not contain ground water. [iii] Because of this, the damage that would have been caused by a larger yield test would have been too great to the infrastructure of the nation to allow. Managing the crisis The threat that North Korea poses to the United States is being managed, currently, through various levels of diplomatic means. There have been several calls for 6-party talks, meetings involving multiple nations Begin Match to source 9 in source list: http://www. s1ia1dhk. htmlthe United States, China, Russia, South Korea, North Korea and JapanEnd Match however these meetings have yet to occur. Because of this, the threat that North Korea poses to the United States remains serious. 2. Iran: Terrorist support and instigation of hostilities. The government of Iran has been at ends with the administration of the United States for many years. The current leader of the Iranian government, President Mahmud Ahmdi-Nejad, has openly stated his contempt for the presence of the United States military in the Middle East. Travel to the country of Iran by Americans is not recommended as the United States holds no Begin Match to source 4 in source list: (7-27-06) http://www. mahablog. com/category/blogging/diplomatic or consular relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and therefore cannot provide protection or routine consular services to American citizens in Iran. [End Matchiv] Iran Begin Match to source 4 in source list: (7-27-06) http://www. mahablog. com/category/blogging/is aEnd Match Muslim nation, and therefore has issues with the world view of the current war on terrorism, which is being headed by the United States of America. There is strong international sentiment that the Begin Match to source 5 in source list: (1-2-07) http://www. pwgd. com/blog/lb/6196-fbino-hard-evidence-connecting-bin-laden-connected-to-911-how-israeli-terrorist-became-a-victim-global-snapshots-capitalist-intersection-of-class-nationalrace-gender-oppression/war on terror is a war against theEnd Match religion of Islam and therefore a war against all Muslims. While this is not the case, few nations in the region have actively attempted to dispel this misconception. The relations between Iran and the United States is strained for another reason Irans support of the terrorist group, Hezbollah. While originating and operating outside of Irans borders, Hezbollah has been linked to various acts of violence throughout the Middle East. Most recently, during the short war between Israel and Lebanon, Hezbollah was involved in acts of violence, kidnapping and attacks on Israeli interests. Iran has been known to, and is suspected to still be funding this group. Following the hostilities of the war between Israel and Lebanon, a large influx of money was seen within Lebanon. Though the money was given out by cells of the Hezbollah group, to people whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the fighting, it is widely accepted that the money originated from the government of Iran. Because of these issues, Iran has been seen as one of the key threats to United States security. Their open support of anti-American factions within Iraq, as well as multiple allusions towards their seeking nuclear weapons, has kept Iran on the list of chief threats. 3. Afghanistan: Center of Al-Qaeda recruitment. The terrorist group, Al-Qaeda continues to be a Begin Match to source 12 in source list: http://www.parstimes. comthreat to theEnd Match safety and Begin Match to source 12 in source list: http://www. parstimes. comsecurity of the United States. End Match Since Begin Match to source 12 in source list: http://www. parstimes. comtheEnd Match attacks on September 11, 2006, Osama bin-Laden and his terrorist group, Al-Qaeda, have been linked to multiple acts of violence around the world. The nation of Afghanistan was, until the invasion by coalition forces in 2001, ruled by the Taliban a hard-lined government with strong ties the terrorist group. Bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda have been hunted since the September 11th attacks, and many key leaders have been captured or killed. However the presence of the group in Afghanistan is increasing again and Osama bin Laden remains at large. [v] The war within Afghanistan has continued since 2001, with no certainty for an end. This has caused dangerous instability within the region. Despite the institution of a democratically elected government within the nation, political stability has not been reached. 4. Mexico: Unprotected border crossings and illegal immigration. The number one priority of preventing terrorism is to prevent terrorist travel. This tactic however has not been serious employed with regards to border security and finding and preventing terrorism since the focus as previously stated is more about finding terrorists not finding the means by which they are mobile. One system that has not be utilized in border security is the means by which to detect whether documentation is authentic since terrorists have system by which they infiltrate a country their travel channels should be found and exploited but no real clause in the Patriot Act has been given or stated. Terrorists establish themselves in the United States through their travel channels by which there is a paper trail of documents; therefore, the Patriot Act, and NAFTA should not only be focusing their efforts at the borders where the terrorists may or may not be traversing but the government should also be wary of terrorist activity already transpiring inside the country, as The US 9/11 Commission on Border Control, Begin Match to source 2 in source list: http://elections.donyell. netEach of these checkpoints or portals is a screening-a chance to establish that people are who they say they are and are seeking access for their stated purpose, to intercept identifiable suspects, and to take effective action. [End Matchvi] Begin Match to source 2 in source list: http://elections. TheEnd Match United States since September 11 has kept a more watchful eye on the Mexican border to ensure that large trucks are not passing the borders which could hold weapons, but this seems to be the only action officials and military are taking in regards to border control according to Zagorin in The Mexican Border Will Get a Closer Look. [vii] In this article Zagorin is hard pressed to find any true action the US is taking in regards to border control and Zagorin sites many examples of how Mexico is making its own efforts to decreased the chances Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Zagorin, Adam. al-Qaeda terroristsEnd Match coming Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Zagorin, Adam. into the countryEnd Match or leaving the country, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Zagorin, Adam. The Mexicans will also focus on flight schools and aviation facilities on their side of the frontier. another episode has some senior U. S. officials worried; the theft of a crop-duster aircraft south of San Diego, apparently by three men from southern Mexico who assaulted a watchman and then flew off in a southerly direction End Match Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Zagorin, Adam. a senior U. S. law-enforcement official notes that crop dusters can beEnd Match sued Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Zagorin, Adam. to disperse toxicEnd Match substance Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Zagorin, Adam. TheEnd Match Begin Match to source 3 in source list: (7-23-06) http://www. usatoday. com/printedition/news/20060413/a_felony13. art. htmpeople who enter the country legally and then overstay their visas-as many as 40% of the nations estimated 12 million illegal immigrants, are guilty of a civil violation. [End Matchviii] Thus Begin Match to source 3 in source list: (7-23-06) http://www. art. htmitEnd Match becomes apparent that the United States is focusing more attention on illegal immigration than on terrorism since all of their efforts are geared toward this goal. Since these hijackers could have been apprehended but were not, and the government has only increased the number of patrols on the either border and not per se the system by which illegal immigrants are apprehended it stands to reason that the government is not altogether prepared or establishing a methodology in apprehending terrorists, they are merely cracking down by using brute force without strategy. Conclusion The safety of the United States is in constant turmoil. While much has been done over the course of the past five years, there are few authorities who would actually state that the country is safe. Though the year 2006 was free of any dramatic assaults against the United States, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have become increasingly costly. Both have served to empower our enemies, rather than defeat them. In the information presented in this paper it gave different avenues by which the United States could be making a better effort to fight terror by simply having a different strategy on terrorism inclusive of finding their travel channels and relying on identification and false passports. The United States approach to border control, since they are using the same system now as prior to September 11 have not changed how they approach terrorists and their apprehension thus leaving room terrorists to take advantage of this lax method and exploit it. This year has seen, however, a dramatic reversal in the power center of the nation following the November elections, the congressional majorities both switched to the Democrats. The result of this switch is unclear, as of yet, however, there are many who are hopeful that the new majority will take the steps necessary to permanently secure the safety of the nation. Notes on Sources 1. The CIA World Fact Book is a very useful tool in todays world of global thought. The information that is found there is an excellent starting point for gathering an understanding of any world nation. 2. The Global Security Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that is dedicated to keeping track of the proliferation of nuclear weaponry. 3. The United States Department of State is part of the US government, and posts its de-classified information on the internet. 4. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigations is the central location for information on any criminal that is deemed to be of a threat to the nation as a whole. 5. Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S. The 9/11 Commission wasEnd Match created Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S. toEnd Match investigate Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S. theEnd Match short comings Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S. ofEnd Match the United States security, and find out how and why Al-Qaeda was able to attack from within the United States. 6. Time magazine has been a trusted name in world news for decades. The weekly journal offers insight to world events. 7. USA Today is another trusted source of news. This daily journal centers on the issues that directly involve the United States.   [i] North Korea. CIA World Fact Book. United States Government: Central Intelligence Agency. 2006. Date of access: December 1, 2006. Begin Match to source 11 in source list: (2-3-07) http://www. canadaol. com/search. php? opt=2keyword=+haitiURL: https://www. cia. gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/End MatchknBegin Match to source 11 in source list: (2-3-07) http://www.canadaol. com/search. php? opt=2keyword=+haiti. htmlEnd Match [ii] Nuclear Weapons Testing. Global Security Foundation. Date of access: December 1, 2006. URL: Begin Match to source 10 in source list: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_nuclear_weaponshttp://www. globalsecurity. org/wmd/world/dprk/nuke- test. htmEnd Match [iii] ibid. [iv] Begin Match to source 8 in source list: (5-6-03) http://www. itravelnow. com/nukebrowser. php? filnavn=http://travel. state. gov:80/iran_warning. htmlTravel Warning:End Match Iran. Begin Match to source 8 in source list: (5-6-03) http://www. itravelnow. com/nukebrowser. php? filnavn=http://travel. state. gov:80/iran_warning. htmlUnited States Department of State. Bureau of Consular Affairs. End Match 2006. Date of Access: December 1, 2006. URL: Begin Match to source 6 in source list: (9-24-06) http://iran. gerffa. org/index. htmlhttp://travel. state. gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_920. htmlEnd Match [v] Osama Bin Laden. Federal Bureau of Investigations. 2006. Date of access: December 1, 2006. URL: Begin Match to source 5 in source list: (1-2-07) http://www.pwgd. com/blog/lb/6196-fbino-hard-evidence-connecting-bin-laden-connected-to-911-how-israeli-terrorist-became-a-victim-global-snapshots-capitalist-intersection-of-class-nationalrace-gender-oppression/http://www. fbi. gov/wanted/terrorists/terbinladen. htmEnd Match [vi] The US 9/11 Commission on Border Control. (2004). Blackwell Publishing Ltd. P569-574. [vii] Zagorin, Adam. (22 November 2004). Bordering On Nukes? Time. Vol. 164 Issue 21, p19. [viii] Kiely, Kathy. (13 April 2006). GOP View: Illegal Immigration wont be Felony. USA Today.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Muslim Women Essay -- Immigration Islam Essays Papers

Muslim Women When I chose the topic of Americanization of immigrant Muslim women, I think I expected a straightforward, easy to categorize, research project. On the contrary, what I found was surprisingly different. While I think of myself as a liberal, open-minded female, this project gave me a very new perspective on myself and many of my views as well. Muslim women living in the United States are quite honestly more diverse, more complex, more structured, more contemplative, and more culturally intuitive than I could have ever imagined in my limited experience and knowledge of them. The ‘Americanization’ I sought to illustrate turned out to resemble something closer to a religio-cultural tug-of-war than the predicted homogeneous transformation, or adaptation, to our Western society and religious orientation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The women whose lives I read about (individually as well as in group studies) seemed without exception to be in a constant state of tension from numerous external and internal sources. The many token examples of varying degrees of Americanization- or in some cases, resistance to this phenomenon- included, but were not limited to, wanting to uphold traditional homeland customs and practices; asserting new freedoms to take on more responsibility in religious and political arenas; working to improve traditional inadequacies of U.S. mosques to better accommodate women of faith; the dilemma of appropriate dressing for religious and professional communities; challenging traditional and current marriage practices and the difficulties associated with them; and maybe most significantly, combating the general naivetà ©, or even outright discriminatory ignorance of Americans about Islam. Considering the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world (between n ew births and the increasing number of conversions), and the United States is arguably the most influential and powerful country in the world, the last of these examples must, and will, be given some extra attention at the end of this paper. Finding Balance Between Islamic Tradition and U.S. Culture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although almost every source I consulted stressed the progressive nature of the Quran and its ability to adapt to changing society, I found that a main thrust of the American Muslim communities was best exemplified in a quote from Carol L. Anway, that women strive toward â€Å"b... ...usaf Ali.† 12-18. A.H. Jaffor Ullah, Ph.D, New Orleans,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Louisiana, 2001. . Anway, Carol L. â€Å"American Women Choosing Islam.† Muslims on the Americanization Path?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ed. Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad and John L. Esposito. Oxford, NY: Oxford University   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, 2000. 145-160. Aswad, Barbara. â€Å"Attitudes of Immigrant Women and Men in the Dearborn Area Toward   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Women’s Employment and Welfare.† Muslim Communities in North America. Ed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad and Jane Idleman Smith. Albany, NY: State University of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York Press, 1994. 501-519. Hathout, Samer. â€Å"Challenges Facing American Muslim Women.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hermansen, Marcia K. â€Å"Two-Way Acculteration: Muslim Women in America Between   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Individual Choice (Liminality) and Community Affiliation (Communitas).† The Muslims   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  of America. Ed. Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 1991.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  188-201. Smith, Jane I. â€Å"Women’s Issues in American Islam.† The Duncan Black MacDonald Center for   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. Hartford Seminary, Hartford CT,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2002.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Soul Taker

It was a dreary night of November and I was on my way back from camp. On the long journey home my friends told each other scary stories based on a myth that Miss Maiden told us the previous evening. It was a warm evening at camp, Miss Maiden and Mrs Jane were roasting marshmallows as the girls played clap games and the boys swooped Poke-mon cards, I sat there silently bringing back to mind a dream that I had about the woods next to the camp on Friday the 13th †¦ It was about a ashy castle on top of a uneven hill, it was burnt down because of all the evil spirits that was said to be lurking in vengeances for anyone who try to claim the castle. When I entered the castle on my left was a room; I struggled to open the door, a repulsive smell made my skin cells repel. the brown tarnished door I woke up. Damn! I sat there daydreaming trying to remember what I saw in the room but it didn't seem to work. Was it because I was hungry and drooling over those soft marshmallows? I think I might take a break and after eating it might sort out my ‘amnesia'. We sat in a circle around the fire eating the hot marshmallows on sticks; Miss Maiden began telling a scary myth, I didn't see the point, she might as well read a fairytale because they were never scary! I didn't pay much attention to her until she said†¦ ‘a rigidly hill were a castle stands ‘ I suddenly stop gulping down my marshmallows and looked at Miss Maiden, Her eyes were luminously shining as the moon light reflected off her pupils, she looks around at us slowly purposely catching eye connections. She then sharply points to the woods behind us making us all jump in fear. There was nothing behind us Miss Maiden and Mrs Jane started to laugh, I was furious I dropped my marshmallows on the floor, Mrs Jane told us to settle down to continue the story. She explained about a young girl called marline whose parents died when she was at the age of 12 and left there family house in her name. Her auntie moved in shortly after the death of her parents. In those times the deceased were buried in their own home. Her auntie treated her like a slave and said over and over again that the house belongs to her. When Marline was 17 her auntie decided to sell the property to a young couple. Mr and Mrs Vale. They were planning to destroy the house and build a bungalow on top of the hillside as it had the most beautiful sights in the whole town. When her auntie told her about it Marline was outraged she stood up to her auntie referring to her parents will of the house. Her auntie responded showing her authority over her. Marline ran to her room crying thinking of many evil ways to stop the couple from buying the house. Then it suddenly came across to her†¦ She knew what she had to do. Marlines auntie cried out to her to get her a glass of ginger beer. Marline runs to the kitchen and gets a glass out the left cabinet on the wall. She looks around her to see if any one was there she then opened a bottle with the caution skull sign on it and poured it into the glass. She opened the bottle of ginger beer and poured it right up to the brim of the glass, bubbles foamed up and out. Marline ran to the sink grabbed a napkin and quickly wiped up the ginger beer. She goes to the room which was on the left side of the kitchen and gave her auntie the glass with a devilish smile on her face. Her auntie drank it breathing hard collapsed and died. Marline ran to catch her before she dropped on the floor because she knew that the weight of dead people are double there size. She lays her flat on the couch and covers her with a white lace. She calls someone and says her auntie dead. She then runs up to the 4th floor leaving the phone unhooked and hides in a secret closet trying not to breathe too hard. The door bell rang continuously then she heard a loud noise and voices became crystal clear. She looked through the little gaps between the closest and saw the police searching up and down to see if anyone was in. The noise all of a sudden stopped and the door shut she came out the closet and looked out the window discreetly she saw men put her auntie behind a carriage. Marline couldn't handle it she went into her mothers and fathers old room and took her fathers razor and slit her wrists, she vowed that no one would ever step foot into her property again. As Miss Maiden told us the myth I could feel myself turning dusky pale and barley white shivering next to the fire. Mrs Jane asked me if I was alright. I just stared at her like there was something on her face. She covered me with a blanket and patted me on top of my head. All that was running through my head was my dream†¦ I said to myself I am going to find that castle! But I didn't have a chance to I fell asleep and when I woke up it was afternoon and we were in a rush to pack our stuff to be on the coach promptly for 7pm. As I sat there leaning against the window sulking, . It was a full moon tonight, I looked up and the luminous moon was as bright as ever. Under the moon was a foggy mist and in that mist was like a shadow of some kind of triangle. I squinted my eyes to see if I could make out what it was. CASTLE! I shouted. Everyone immediately looked out the window. Mrs Jane looked above her glasses and told me to keep it quite, I smiled. When I get home that night I will come back and go to the castle. I couldn't wait. It was now 8:30 pm and we finally reached school, when I got out the coach it was lashing with rain and striking with thunder, I took my little hand luggage and put my coat over my head squinting my eyes to see if I could spot mummy's new black car.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Batman Character Study

Batman is often referred to as an emotionless and inhuman character that does not have any significant relationships in his life. On the surface it may seem like that, but in reality Batman does have relationships with people. Examples of these relationships are shown in the graphic novel, Batman Year One, and the movie, The Dark Knight. The first person that Batman has a relationship with is Lieutenant Jim Gordon. Batman and Gordon share a common goal of getting crime off the streets. At the beginning of Batman Year One Gordon believed that Batman was a villain. Gordon thought that he could not trust Batman. As the story went on Gordon realized that Batman was fighting crime and was a trustworthy person. Gordon knows that he needs Batman’s help to help take down not only criminals, but the corrupt police system in Gotham. And Batman knows he needs someone with values within the corrupt police force to help him fight crime. This relationship carries over into the movie, The Dark Knight. Gordon can now signal Batman whenever he needs assistance, by simply turning a giant spot light used to signal Batman. Many people do not consider Gordon a friend of Batman’s but Aristotle does not agree with that. They have what is called a friendship of utility, which means both men benefit from the other. Batman needs Gordon, a trustworthy man inside a corrupt police force. Gordon needs Batman, a superhero that can help stop all the crime in Gotham City. Another relationship that Batman has is with his butler, Alfred. When Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed Alfred became the father figure in Bruce’s life. Alfred raised Bruce and made him the man he is today. Alfred has been there everyday of Bruce’s life. In turn, Alfred is given a house to live in and all the necessary things to live. Alfred is very nurturing and is often there for Bruce with great advice. In The Dark Knight when Batman wanted to quit, Alfred had the right things to say in order to motivate Batman to keep fighting crime. It is clear that Batman and Alfred have a strong relationship. Their relationship is closer than the one that Batman and Jim Gordon share. They seem to have an emotional caring for one another. The only thing that is keeping them from having a deeper relationship is the fact that Bruce will always be the master and Alfred will always be the servant. The last relationship that Batman has is with Rachel Dawes. Rachel is a childhood friend of Bruce and the love of his life. She is one of the only persons to know Batman’s true identity as Bruce Wayne. In The Dark Knight Batman is often trying to save her. One example is when she is thrown off of the building by the Joker, Batman jumps off to rescue her. Another example is when both Harvey Dent and Rachel are trapped at different locations and Batman must choose which one he wants to save. Batman chooses to go after Rachel. It is very obvious that Batman has strong feelings for her. Rachel and Bruce were once together but Bruce’s job as Batman got in the way. Rachel is now dating Gotham’s District Attorney, Harvey Dent. This hurts Batman because he can’t stand to see the love of his life with someone else. Batman shows the most emotion toward Rachel, and this makes him a very human character. In conclusion, Batman is a very human character with strong relationships. This is clearly shown through his relationships with Jim Gordon, Alfred, and Rachel Dawes. At a glimpse, it seems as though Batman is inhuman. But once you dig deeper you find he has many relationships and cares for many people. Many people say that Batman has no strong, deep relationships. This is not true. Batman’s strongest relationship is with the city he protects. Batman made a promise to his parents. He promised he would make Gotham a better place. Protecting and cleaning up Gotham gives Batman the utmost fulfillment.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Latin American Writers

Before 1960 it was very uncommon to hear of the "contemporary Spanish American novel": there were Uruguayan, Ecuadorian, Mexican or Venezuelan novels. However, during this decade, a literary explosion of Latin American literature took place named â€Å"The Boom.† El Boom "was simply the discovery of a new literary language in which to express Latin American reality with, for the first time, complete authenticity1." This genre of literature has become known as magic realism, a movement characterized by the dreamlike and fantastic elements, which are mixed into fiction. There are many reasons why the â€Å"Boom† literature occurred when it did. All the ingredients necessary for a social change were there; social and economic dissatisfaction, new cultural ideas and an opening of opportunities for Latin American writers. Gabriel Marquez gave an example of the social and economic injustices committed in his home country, Colombia, in his Nobel Prize speech: â€Å"There have been five wars and seventeen military coups; there emerged a dictator who is carrying out, in God’s name, the first Latin American ethnocide of our time. Twenty million Latin American children died before the age of one. Those in exile near one hundred and twenty thousand.†2 These problems are common throughout Latin America, a factor in creating a sense of unity because of these common concerns. New cultural ideas often emerged from writers who had been living in Europe, mostly in exile. Mario Llosa said in Interviews with Latin American Writers, that by living in Europe, he received â€Å"a broadened education† and a â€Å"comprehensive perspective, which helped me understand the things in my own country.†3 Other major factors in the change of cultural ideas surfaced from the revolutions and wars that occurred right before and during the twentieth century. Numerous internal movements had been crushed, although they were successful for a time in Mexico and th... Free Essays on Latin American Writers Free Essays on Latin American Writers Before 1960 it was very uncommon to hear of the "contemporary Spanish American novel": there were Uruguayan, Ecuadorian, Mexican or Venezuelan novels. However, during this decade, a literary explosion of Latin American literature took place named â€Å"The Boom.† El Boom "was simply the discovery of a new literary language in which to express Latin American reality with, for the first time, complete authenticity1." This genre of literature has become known as magic realism, a movement characterized by the dreamlike and fantastic elements, which are mixed into fiction. There are many reasons why the â€Å"Boom† literature occurred when it did. All the ingredients necessary for a social change were there; social and economic dissatisfaction, new cultural ideas and an opening of opportunities for Latin American writers. Gabriel Marquez gave an example of the social and economic injustices committed in his home country, Colombia, in his Nobel Prize speech: â€Å"There have been five wars and seventeen military coups; there emerged a dictator who is carrying out, in God’s name, the first Latin American ethnocide of our time. Twenty million Latin American children died before the age of one. Those in exile near one hundred and twenty thousand.†2 These problems are common throughout Latin America, a factor in creating a sense of unity because of these common concerns. New cultural ideas often emerged from writers who had been living in Europe, mostly in exile. Mario Llosa said in Interviews with Latin American Writers, that by living in Europe, he received â€Å"a broadened education† and a â€Å"comprehensive perspective, which helped me understand the things in my own country.†3 Other major factors in the change of cultural ideas surfaced from the revolutions and wars that occurred right before and during the twentieth century. Numerous internal movements had been crushed, although they were successful for a time in Mexico and th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Writing and Textual Evidence Essays

Writing and Textual Evidence Essays Writing and Textual Evidence Essay Writing and Textual Evidence Essay English 101 Writing Assignment 3 Assignment Topic: Platos Allegory of the Cave By definition, an allegory is a symbolic narrative, typically about abstract theories and ideas using highly symbolic representations to teach a lesson or share a concept in a subtle but effective way. In an essay of no less than 750 words create an argument about what you believe to be the point of Platos Allegory of the Cave. Consider the setting, objects, characters, and conflicts. Think about what lesson(s) seem to be revealed through this story. Focus on one of these key lessons or ideas for development in your essay. That is, the topic for this essay is somewhat open, so long as it stems from the ideas in Platos allegory. Be sure to create an arguable thesis, one which asserts your analysis and interpretation, and attempts to make some connection to the larger work as a whole. This essay should focus on the text as its primary source and should employ plenty of textual evidence from the text to support your ideas. While not the focus nor equired, secondary sources may be consulted for this paper; however, the ideas and writing should be original, and the textual evidence should be from the allegory. Be sure, however, to include proper Works Consulted or pages as necessary. Audience: Classmates and Instructor: SCHOLARS and ACADEMICS. This assignment asks you to contemplate a major classical piece of literature. Planning: DUE 10/23 In a one-page document in MLA format (using both prose free writing and lists), you will need to propose your essay topic ahead of time with a brief essay proposal. This proposal should include a basic overview of what you believe you will be exploring in the essay and why you think this topic is valid or legitimate. Your proposal should provide a list of 5-7 possible thesis statements you may use to structure the essay as well as at least 3 quoted passages from the text for potential use in the essay. In order to move forward on your essay, you must first receive approval on your proposal. This essay will be evaluated with the standards outlined in The Student Guide to Learning. Special attention should be paid to a carefully constructed thesis, plenty of developed support, use and integration of textual evidence, logic and reasoning. The delivery should be clean and clear, employing the proper tone for an academic essay. Tips: Avoid too much summary: Write as though your reader is already familiar with the story. It is your Job to convince the reader ofa particular take on the story. Some summary is acceptable, as long as it is given in a purposeful manner. Be sure, too, to use summary for setting the context of certain passages, scenes, or action. Use the text: It is not enough to simply state your take on certain aspects of the text, or on the text as a whole. Instead you must present arguments, and then use significant selections from the text to illustrate your points. Discuss: Too often, students have excellent ideas with regards to stories, but then fail to follow through on their ideas. Be sure you clearly, thoroughly, and purposefully discuss your points. This includes explicating your selections from the stories so as to directly relate the material to your argument points, as well as the overall thesis. Draw conclusions: After youVe discussed all the significant points, passages, and ideas with regards to your thesis, be sure you work yourself to a conclusion. Be able to step back from your observations and answer, So what does all this mean? How is this significant? Minimal Requirements: MLA style format 1 margins 10-12 pt. font (clear font Times / New Roman, Courier, etc. double spaced name, instructor, class, and date on left side of 1st pg title centered and double-spaced down last name pg # in upper right-hand corner (1/2 down) of subsequent pages MLA tyle documentation (parenthetical references w/ accurate citation information) Adherence to the assignment prompt Original work (WARNING: plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and may additionally result in failure of the course and further Student Code of Conduct violation charges) An appropriate voice and tone relative to the assignment, purpose, and audience Textual evidence or support, when appropriate (includes quotes and paraphrases with accurate documentation) Adherence to length requirements (as stipulated)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Cancel Your SAT Registration and Test

How to Cancel Your SAT Registration and Test SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You registered for the SAT, but as test day draws near, you find that you don’t want to take the test anymore! You may want to take the ACT instead, or maybe you decided to opt out of the SAT altogether and apply to colleges that don’t require you to report SAT scores. But what can you do? Well, first, don't panic! We at PrepScholar noticed how hard it was to find this information online, so we put it all together for you in one place. Here are some things you need to consider: Can you cancel the SAT test? Can you get your money back? Will this go on your permanent record? Do you need to cancel your SAT to change your test date? Canceling Your SAT Without a Refund If you don't want to take the test on a certain day and you don't want to reschedule, then to cancel the test, all you need to do is not show up on test day. The College Board emphatically states that it is not necessary to notify them of this. And they also note that no score reports will be sent out as a result. Your no-show will not show up on your record. Because the College Board will count it as a missed test, which could happen for any number of reasons, they do not keep records of who misses their tests. The way they see it, you paid the fees already, and if you miss the test, then that's on you. This is good, because it means there's only one thing you have to do to cancel your SAT. Just don’t show up for the test. However, if you do this, you won't get a refund for the test you missed. If you're interested in getting some of your money back, keep reading. Canceling Your SAT With a Partial Refund Unfortunately, no matter how early you cancel your SAT registration, you won't get a full refund. Therefore, it's best to hold off on actually completing the online registration in the first place until you’re absolutely sure you want to take the test on that date. Once you've registered, at best, you'll only get a small part of your money back. How Do You Get the Refund? The College Board states that students who don't want to transfer their registration to another test date or location should contact Customer Service. We’ve included the Customer Service information below for your convenience. If you call Customer Service, it’s possible you may receive a partial refund of up to $10. (The full price you paid for the SAT is $46, or $60 with the essay, so they refund you only about 1/5 of the total.) In order to get the refund, you must call at least five days before your exam date. After that, there's no chance of a refund. Remember, once you call and cancel, there is no going back - you will not be able to take the test on that test date and the College Board will not report the scores from this test date. Refunding Question and Answer Service If you ordered the Question and Answer Service but are now canceling your SAT registration, it's also possible to get that fee refunded. To get the refund, you must call Customer Service. Any additional score reports that you ordered are also refundable if you were absent the day of the test. Refunds are processed six weeks after the test date. Is There a Difference Between Canceling and Not Taking the Test? According to the College Board, there is no actual difference between calling and canceling your SAT and not taking the SAT on test day. In other words, whichever action you decide to take, their records of you will not show any difference. The only difference is monetary. If you call in to cancel at least five days before, you may get a partial refund ($10). Perhaps just as importantly, canceling means that you may get refunded for any additional services you paid for, like QAS. Changing Your SAT Exam Date Remember, you should only cancel your SAT if you don't ever plan on taking another SAT. If all you want to do is change the date of your SAT, you don't need to cancel your test to do that. However, there is a fee for rescheduling your SAT (although it's less than canceling your SAT and registering for a new test). It costs $29 to reschedule your SAT, and you can do this anytime, even after your original test date (as long as you didn't show up for it). We have an entire guide on how to reschedule your SAT, but below are the key steps to take: Sign in to your College Board account. On the â€Å"My SAT† page, you’ll see the tests you’re registered for. Click â€Å"Change Registration† under the test that you want to reschedule. You’ll next see a new page with your SAT admission ticket information on it. At the bottom of the page, click â€Å"Change my test date.† You’ll be brought to a new page where, under â€Å"Test Date†, you can see the new SAT date(s) you can change to. Select the one that works best for you. Next select your test center, confirm your personal information is correct, and pay the reschedule fee. When you’re finished, you’ll receive an email confirmation and a new admission ticket with your updated test date. How to Contact College Board Customer Service By online form: Contact CollegeBoard Online Here By telephone (the best and fastest way to get a response) Domestic: 866-756-7346 International: 212-713-7789 Services for students with disabilities: 212-713-8333 TTY (for deaf or hearing impaired) Domestic: 888-857-247 TTY (for deaf or hearing impaired) International: 609-882-48 Summary To go over your options once more, here's what you can do to cancel your SAT test. Canceling before the test: If you cancel up to 5 days before the test date, then it's possible to get a refund up to $10, plus the QAS or score reports refunded. Day of the test: If you simply do not show up to the test and cancel by default, then you do not get any test refund, but you can still cancel the QAS for your 'missed test'. After you take the test: If you want to cancel after taking the test, then you should look into How to Cancel Your SAT Scores. There is a strict deadline on this, so make sure you send them the cancellation before midnight, the Wednesday after your test. What’s Next? If you want to re-register for the SAT, then check out Step-by-Step Guide with Pictures SAT Registration. Needed to cancel because of the test location? Then check out How You Can Pick the Best SAT Test Locations. Maybe you’re not sure whether you want to take the SAT, but keep in mind Future Years’ SAT Test Dates, Schedules, and Deadlines Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Turn around a plant of an engineering company thats losing money Literature review

Turn around a plant of an engineering company thats losing money - Literature review Example The engineering plant in Plymouth is currently losing out money which has been accounted to major areas of difficulty that have been identified in the operation of the engineering plant in Plymouth. The company manufactures chemical pumps for use in pumping a wide range of fluids like the oils, industrial fluids, chemicals, petrol, diesel, etc. The chemical pumps manufactured by the engineering plant of the company in Plymouth have been of poorer quality and a large number of pumps are being sent back by the customers for repairing. This has been eating up productivity time for the engineering plant in Plymouth and the company has been engaging into repetitive work that involved wastage of time and money required for scaling up the production levels. The relationship with the suppliers is also an area of problem (Kozami 46). The suppliers of the Plymouth engineering unit are frequently late in delivering the components and parts of the chemical pump. There have been increasing reluct ance of the suppliers in dealing with the company and supplying the parts required to assemble, manufacture and repair the chemical pumps. The third area of problem increases with the dissatisfaction of the customer as they tend to move away due to the extended time required for repairing of the products and the lower quality of products. The machineries and equipments used in the plant have become old and are subject to frequent breakdown. The replacement parts for repairing the machineries have also become difficult to obtain. Although the workforce of the Plymouth plant is skilled, their morale have been down due to the risk of closure of the plant and few workers fear that the management trainee has been sent to the plant for hastening the process of shut down (Bechet 78). All these are major problems that have been identified for the engineering plant in Plymouth. Review of literature: ways to handle problems in short term and long term A review of the literature provides the w ays to handle problems in the engineering plant in the short term and long term considering the situational problems due to which the company has been facing major difficulties in its operation with the internal and external stakeholders. The literature review suggests that every engineering plant faces the challenge of maintaining its equipments and machineries with time as they grow older. The engineering plants have also struggled to maintain the quality of its product due to several challenges of finance, relationships with the suppliers, etc. The ability to manufacture high quality products on a sustainable basis, provide repairing services to the customers, maintaining strong relationships with the customers and keeping high morale of the workforce of the engineering plants have determined the success level of the engineering plants (Sekhar 56). The engineering firms have adopted effective ways to ensure that they are able to handle the problems in their manufacturing units in the short term without moving to a position where they could easily run out of funds. In cases where the companies have faced situations in which the workforce have been down in morale, the managers of the engineering plants have held meetings with the workforce where it has explained that there is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Collage of pharmacy admission essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Collage of pharmacy admission - Essay Example Pharmacology is one subject where I will not only be able to continue my interest in the subject of chemistry, but also at the end of my studies, have a promising career. This course in pharmacy will enable me to fly high and make my dreams come true. The reason I have chosen a degree in this subject is because of the wide range of opportunities that it provides. My focus in not just to complete the course in pharmacy, but also to go for higher studies in this field. Today, pharmacists’ skills are in high demand all over the world. Pharmacists are considered as expert health professionals and many doors of opportunity open to a career that offers security, flexibility, satisfaction and excellent rewards. In fact, it can be said that without a pharmacy sector, the health care is incomplete. It is a well known fact that pharmacists work in all kinds of places and work very closely with the hospitals, doctors and other health care professionals. Having a strong foundation in chemistry, my immediate goal is to get an admission in the pharmacy school and long term professional goal is to pursue my research interest by getting a doctor of pharmacy degree. I am sure to complete my degree in flying colors and by the time I finish my doctorate in pharmacy, I am sure to have a variety of opportunities which will help me achieve financial security. As of now, I will be able to devote all of my attention to the sole subject of my interest: chemistry and pharmacology. I have a positive mental attitude and I am confident that I will be able to complete with high scores in pharmacy. My positive motivation, sincerity, insightful, will all add to my success. I knew early on in my studies that this was a subject that I could excel in due to my natural inclination towards the sciences. I believe that my educational background and abilities would be an excellent base for my future studies. I am aware that this university is looking for students who have good

Aspects of contract and negligence for business Assignment - 1

Aspects of contract and negligence for business - Assignment Example Chen-Wishart (2012), explains that the process of making and an offer and its acceptance follows the â€Å"mirror image† rule. This implies that the other party accepts the terms of the contract just as stipulated in the offer. Consideration is yet another element of a contract that refers to a substance of value the two parties promise to exchange in the course of the transaction. The consideration validates the existence of a contract. Also known as, the â€Å"meeting of the minds† mutuality refers to the consensus the two parties must have about the terms of the contract. Before creating a legally binding agreement, the two parties must understand and agree to the unique terms of the contract. The terms are vital aspects of a contract since they influence the entire process of undertaking the activity. The two parties must, therefore, understand the terms of the offer. At the acceptance stage, the second party promises to undertake the activity as stipulated in the terms. The offering party, on the other hand, promises not to change the original terms since the contract laws bar changing such terms unless the two parties agree to. This makes mutuality an important feature in contracts (Frey & Frey 2001). The terms that Joe and Dilon set for their contract have some aspects of ambiguity. As explained earlier, in the creation of a contract the terms must always follow the mirror image rule. The mirror image rule dictates that the offer and the acceptance must never vary the terms of the contract. In the case, Dilon’s terms dictate that Joe must sell the products at the original quoted price. After filling the form, which indicated his acceptance of the offer, Joe provides his terms in which he indicates that the prices may increase. Such is a bargain, and the terms of the contract between the two parties are ambiguous. Despite the ambiguity between Joe and Dilon, the two form a legally binding contract. Joe must make the running

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organization design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organization design - Assignment Example The aspect of capitalizing on and responding to change was exhibited by the ancient Athens who faced agricultural setbacks. The Athens recognized their problem as a potential challenge and decided to respond effectively to the cultivation of olives that have the capacity to obtain water from the deeper water tables. Modern businesses should adopt such an approach in the contemporary business world. The response adopted by businesses towards change determines the level of success (Bridges, 2009). In a world defined by change, it is irrational for businesses to focus on the competition because they will be easily blinded to a level where they cannot recognize the challenge. However, capitalizing on change allows businesses to tackle the challenges and respond effectively. All individual sat different levels in a business have a responsibility of developing appropriate responses to change. Whereas business leaders determine when to launch new products or to pursue a new category of customers, upper-level managers focus on redefining the different departments to suit the new organizational goals. Middle managers have to respond effectively by reorganizing all the efforts from different departments and encouraging supervisors to define new responses at the new level. Every individual in the organization must contribute positively so that organizations can effectively capitalize on change (p.

Handout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Handout - Essay Example The mediating agents intervene between the learners, the stimulus, and the manifested response so as to interpret, control, expound and strengthen the leaning experience of the learners (Feuerstein, 1980, 15-16). The theory was put forward by two theories; Feuerstein’s theory of Mediated Learning Experience and Vogotskian sociocultural theory which advocate for the significant role played by the sociocultural forces and the environment of learners in the development of the learners holistically and also in learning. Mediated learning is not planned as it occurs naturally and instantaneously when a child interacts with their parents or teachers in their environment Mediation theory is criticized for placing a huge responsibility on the adults as mediating agents for the learning process and the growth of a child but presents the child to play a very passive role in the process. The benefits of this theory is that they provide a learner with an opportunity of becoming responsible individually through connection, ordering and management of the knowledge that have gained in the learning process. The activity of a learner is also very important to ensuring that he grasps the response and employs it to gains more insights on their own developments and organization of knowledge which shapes their lives (Rhodes, 1987:59). There are twelve features of mediation theory. Three of them are essential and apply to all learning situation while the other nine are situation-specific. The three universal features are shared intention, significance and transcendence. The other nine features are a sense of competence, control of behavior, goal setting, challenge, an awareness of change, belief in positive outcomes, spirit of Sharing, individuality and a sense of belonging. Mediation theory helps the learner achieve all the features a learner with the help of the teachers. In the application of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organization design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organization design - Assignment Example The aspect of capitalizing on and responding to change was exhibited by the ancient Athens who faced agricultural setbacks. The Athens recognized their problem as a potential challenge and decided to respond effectively to the cultivation of olives that have the capacity to obtain water from the deeper water tables. Modern businesses should adopt such an approach in the contemporary business world. The response adopted by businesses towards change determines the level of success (Bridges, 2009). In a world defined by change, it is irrational for businesses to focus on the competition because they will be easily blinded to a level where they cannot recognize the challenge. However, capitalizing on change allows businesses to tackle the challenges and respond effectively. All individual sat different levels in a business have a responsibility of developing appropriate responses to change. Whereas business leaders determine when to launch new products or to pursue a new category of customers, upper-level managers focus on redefining the different departments to suit the new organizational goals. Middle managers have to respond effectively by reorganizing all the efforts from different departments and encouraging supervisors to define new responses at the new level. Every individual in the organization must contribute positively so that organizations can effectively capitalize on change (p.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What caused Microsoft to stumble and lose billions in market Essay

What caused Microsoft to stumble and lose billions in market capitalization - Essay Example This is evident in a new world of information in social media and entertainment. The company failed to adjust to the post-PC world, and this saw companies such as Google, Samsung, and Apple gain more ground in the digital world. Another cause of the stumble of Microsoft has been a lack of diversity in the digital service and technology line that they boosted of controlling. For a company to adequately control the market it operates and increase the market share; diversity in service and product provision is necessary. This goes a long way in spreading risks being digital service industry is dynamic. Microsoft as a company avoided this and concentrated on creating software that make PC run. Microsoft didn’t take advantage of their market strength and assuming the role of full-line digital device and Service Company. For instance, the company relied heavily on other companies such Dell, Nokia, HP to develop PCs, phones and Tablets that run their Software due to company’s inability to develop their hardware. Eventually, Microsoft lost a lot of billions in market capitalization

Monday, October 14, 2019

Participant-Observer Exercise Essay Example for Free

Participant-Observer Exercise Essay First of all, I am grateful to all class members and our instructor for the experience that I was able to acquire during this course. This is a good example of experiential learning – here we all had opportunities to transform our theoretical knowledge into real life experience. It really proved effective. I may also note that the last group engagement exercise did not disprove my previous hypotheses: with time and the experience of joint work we all got more confident about the tasks, and with the raise of confidence our productivity increased. I think we all got to know each other better and it increased the level of confidence. My hypothesis for this week is: â€Å"Group work gets real meaning and becomes more productive when group members bring in their personal insights and personal experiences instead of confining themselves to theorizing and relying on common sense. † At first, we knew each other too little to be open and share our personal experience. With time, we got to know each other better and gradually became more relaxed about sharing our thoughts. I think it had a positive impact on our performance. It helped to provide more examples of the concepts we presented. Our task was to discuss experiential learning and how it assists in exercising leadership and understanding group dynamics. We focused on several chosen principles in our presentation, and each of us was able to vitalize theory by referring to specific examples. This level of openness was quite impossible during the first exercise. Personal insights helped us all better understand theory and make a more interesting presentation. In fact, this experience once again proves Principle 9 that we discussed in our presentation: â€Å"The more supportive, accepting, and caring the social environment, the freer a person is to experiment with new behaviors, attitudes, and action theories† (Johnson Johnson, 2009, p. 51). Since all were open and ready to introduce a personal insight, we felt the environment to be rather supportive and accepting. As a result, we felt more confident and could communicate our thoughts freely. It provided greater value to our group work and helped to fulfill our task more successfully. References Johnson, D. W. , Johnson, F. P. (2009). Joining together: Group theory and group skills. 10th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Volcanic Eruptions in Iceland

Volcanic Eruptions in Iceland Take-home Test Describe the three different types of volcanic eruptions that have given rise to Iceland’s volcanic landforms. Effusive: An effusive eruption is a volcanic eruption characterized by the flow of lava onto the ground. Lava flows generated by effusive eruptions vary in shape, thickness, length, and width depending on the type of lava that erupted, the type of discharge, the slope of the ground over which the lava travels, and the duration of the volcanic eruption. Explosive: This is a violent, explosive type of eruption. This is a result of when sufficient gas has dissolved under pressure within a viscous magma, such that the discharged lava violently bubbles up into volcanic ash as pressure is suddenly lowered at the vent. Explosive eruptions can send rocks, dust, gas and lava fragments into the atmosphere. A cloud is then created which then collapses, creating a flow of hot volcanic matter (gas + rocks). Mixed: This eruption is a mixture of both lava and tephra (fragmental material produced by a volcanic eruption). Describe the characteristics of a Tuya. How does this acquire its distinctive shape? A Tuyais a flat-topped, steep-sided  volcano  formed when  lava  erupts through a thick  glacier  or  ice sheet. Such volcanic formations are restricted to regions which were covered by  glaciers  and had volcanic activity during the same period. Their formation is due to lava that erupts under a glacier and cools very quickly. It cannot travel far, so it piles up into a steep-sided hill. Define the term jà ¶kulhlaup and explain its significance to Iceland. Jà ¶kulhlaups in Iceland may originate from marginal or subglacial sources of water melted by atmospheric processes, permanent geothermal heat or volcanic eruptions. Glacier-volcano interactions produce meltwater that either drains toward the glacier margin or accumulates in subglacial lakes. Iceland is a unique and valuable study-site for glacio-volcanic interactions. The jà ¶kulhlaups can be seen as modern analogues of past mega floods on the earth and their exploration may improve understanding of ice-volcano processes on other planets. Jo ¨kulhlaups, both those draining meltwater stored in subglacial lakes and meltwater produced during a volcanic eruption, have significant landscaping potential: they erode large canyons and transport enormous quantities of sediment and icebergs over vast outwash plains. What are the origins of Icelandic river waters? Describe the relevant main characteristics. Icelandic rivers are of three general types: The glacial-fed rivers which carry large quantities of fine silt and are typically brown in colour. Their runoff, being conditioned by ice melt, is high in the summer and low in the winter. Glacial rivers are close to freezing at source but warm up considerably in lowland areas. They typically divide into many interlinked distributaries which constantly change direction. The direct runoff rivers; are relatively clear. They are characteristic of old basaltic areas where the bedrock is impermeable. They have their greatest flows in the spring during snowmelt and in autumn following heavy rains. Water temperature in these streams generally follows the air temperature. The spring-fed stream drains areas covered by permeable post-glacial lava fields. In these zones the ground is more porous; therefore water emerges in springs at lower levels to supply the rivers with a constant flow of generally clear water. These spring-fed rivers have a water temperature of 3–5 °C at source and never freeze over at that point. Their beds and banks are usually stable. Explain the following terms: Tephrochronology: A geo-chronological technique that uses discrete layers of tephravolcanic ash from a single eruption to create a chronological framework in which archaeological records can be placed. Cryptotephra: Very few studies have looked in detail at the sedimentation and distribution of cryptotephra deposits within sequences and, more importantly, the criteria for defining the correct stratigraphic position of the volcanic event. Cryptotephra is a tephra-derived glass shard which is not that visible to the naked human eye since they are less than 125micrometers. Isopachs: Lines on a map or diagrams which connect points beneath which a particular stratum or group of strata has the same thickness. One measure used to tackle the problem of soil erosion is re-seeding with appropriate floral species. What characteristics of a plant would make it suitable for such a purpose? Soil stabilizing plants range in size, root type (ideally long), degree of ground cover (fast growth) and visual appeal, and selecting a variety of plants is essential for combating the impact of wind and water erosion. Low plants provide ground cover from wind, while higher trees slow down the force of rain before it hits the ground or more delicate ground cover plants. Once plants are established, their life cycles help return nutrients to the soil to encourage future plant growth (important to have an easy seed dispersal process as well) and maintain adequate moisture levels to avoid soil drying or oversaturation. Describe one method that could be used to measure the profile of a beach. Select sampling points for beach profiles across the width of the beach. At each sample point in turn, place a pole at the start and finish. The first point should ideally be the low tide mark, or as close to it. The next step is to note the main changes in slope angle up the beach, each change is to inform the ‘sections for the profile. For each change in slope, use a clinometer to take a bearing to record the slope angle (It is important to ensure that the bearing is taken from a point on the pole that corresponds with the eye level of the person using the clinometer). Measure the distance along the ground of the section, and record this information alongside the slope angle. Repeat processes for each break in slope that you have identified. Explain the following: Lateral moraines: Parallel ridges of debris deposited along the sides of a glacier. The unconsolidated debris can be deposited on top of the glacier by frost shattering of the valley walls or tributary streams flowing into the valley. Because lateral moraines are deposited on top of the glacier, they do not experience the postglacial erosion of the valley floor and therefore, as the glacier melts, lateral moraines are usually preserved as high ridges. Lateral moraines stand high because they protect the ice under them from the elements, causing it to melt or sublime less than the uncovered parts of the glacier. Multiple lateral moraines may develop as the glacier advances and retreats. Kettle Lake: Kettles are depressions left behind after partially-buried ice blocks melt. Kettle Lake describes the way the lake basin was formed. While glaciers were forming, a block of ice broke of, and found a uniform position. As the glacier continued to melt, the debris from the glacier (soil, rocks, stones, gravel, etc.) filled in around the block of ice. When the block of ice finally melted, all the debris surrounding it fell into the hole, creating the kettle type basin, which when filled with water, became a lake as we know it. Outwash plain: is a flat region formed of glacial sediments deposited by melt water outwash at the terminus of a glacier. Explain the presence of wave-cut platforms in areas of Iceland presently distant from the coast. A wave-cut platform is the narrow flat area often found at the base of a sea cliff or along the shoreline of a lake, bay, or sea that was created by the erosion of waves. Wave-cut platforms are often most obvious at low tide when they become visible as huge areas of flat rock. In Iceland, some cases, the rock is relatively easy to erode. Sea-level changes have left a stamp on the coast, and wave-cut platforms can be seen in many around Iceland. Distinguish between mafic and felsic lava: These words are used to indicate the chemical composition of silicate minerals, magmas, and igneous rocks. Mafic is used for silicate minerals, magmas, and rocks which are relatively high in the heavier elements. The minerals are usually dark in color and have relatively high specific gravities and also represent material which is newly differentiated from the upper mantle. Felsic is used for silicate minerals, magmas, and rocks which have a lower percentage of the heavier elements, and are correspondingly enriched in the lighter elements, such as silicon and oxygen. Felsic minerals are usually light in color and have specific gravities. The most common felsic rock is granite, which represents the purified end product of the earths internal differentiation process. What is the nominal fix accuracy of a GPS? Why can a DGPS improve this nominal accuracy? The nominal fix accuracy of a GPS is of 100 meters with a selective availability enabled on the system. The GPS has a number of small errors (e.g signal delay), so a DGPS can be used to improve nominal accuracy since it transmits messages from local stations that are connected to satellites, producing better and accurate data readings. In cartographic terms, explain why the datum used by a GPS navigation set must be the same as for the reference chart being used. A datum is a set of reference points on the Earths surface against which their position can be associated with a model of the shape of the Earth to define a geodetic coordinate system. Horizontal datum is used to describe a point in latitude and longitude. A vertical datum measures elevations or depths. Because the Earth is an imperfect ellipsoid, all localized datums can give a more accurate representation of the area which is being covered than the latest version of the World Geodetic System datum (84). Marie Claire Attard Bason

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Role of the Individual and Society in the Late 19th Century, Nation

The Role of the Individual and Society in the Late 19th Century, Nationalism A young boy of both German and Italian heritage opens a book on his ancestry. The earliest recordable links he can trace from his Italian and German roots are two tribes. The tribes are very similar in all aspects that he can discern. The German people have the same interests, occupations, religions, and traditions. Identical traits are seen in the Italian tribe. The boy questions, however, if these people can really be his ancestors. After all, he is German and Italian and the tribesmen all identify themselves with present day cities and provinces. Is he Sicilian and Bavarian instead of Italian and German? As the boy reads on he finds out that in the late nineteenth century, his ancestors suddenly identified themselves as German and Italian, what he expected they would be from the start. So, what happened? Divided between the conservative elite and the common liberal, Italy and Germany became unified nations through the institution of a strong military, economy, government, and the influence of a rich ancestry. Each member of society was affected by the move towards nationalism in different ways; the monarchy, liberals, and working classes in Italy and Germany embodied the results of nationalism throughout Europe. The conservative contingency of both Italy and Germany believed that the only way they could build a strong country that would withstand the tests of time was through the building of a strong economy. By building up a large amount of money from the group of territories in the nation through taxes and other sources of government finance, Italy and Germany could build respect among other nations and join the elite of Europe. T... ...--------- Bibliography 1. David Blackbourn, The Long Nineteenth Century A History of Germany, 1780-1918. New York; Oxford University Press, 1997. Notes: The novel contributes to the analyzation of the role of the individual in nineteenth century society by giving a history of the move for unification in both Germany and Italy. It provides a detailed account of historical events, focusing on all aspects and roles in German society. The book only touches on Italian unification, but it provides a good base for understanding the basic details of what took place. It goes on into World War I to show some of the effects of unification and the advance of unification in the form of alliances. The major strong point of the work, and the thing that helped me the most in my paper, was it's focus on nationalism as it pertained to each part of society in Germany.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Aaron Beck

Section 1 Abstract Biography Aaron T. Beck Aaron T. Beck (July 18, 1921) was born in Providence, Rhode Island USA, the youngest child of four siblings. Beck attended Brown University, graduating magna cum laude in 1942, then attended Yale Medical School, graduating with an M. D. in 1946. He is an American psychiatrist and a professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Beck developed cognitive therapy in the early 1960s, he is widely regarded as the father of cognitive therapy,and his ioneering theories are widely used in the treatment of clinical depression. Beck also developed self-report measures of depression and anxiety including Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSS), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Beck Youth Inventories. He is the President Emeritus of the Beck Inst and the Honorary President of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, which certifies qualified cognitive therapists. B eck's daughter, Judith S. Beck, is also a researcher in the field of ognitive therapy and President of the Beck Institute. She is married with four children, Roy, Judy, Dan, and Alice. He has nine grandchildren. Section 2 Question #1 Beck developed cognitive therapy in the early 1960s. He had previously studied and practiced psychoanalysis. Beck designed and carried out a numberof experiments to test psychoanalytic concepts of depression. Fully expecting research would validate these fundamental precepts, he was surprised to find the opposite. This research led him to begin to look for other ways of conceptualizing depression.Working with depressed patients, he found that they experienced streams of negative thoughts that seemed to pop up spontaneously. He termed these cognitions â€Å"automatic thoughts,† and discovered that their content fell into three categories: negative ideas about themselves, the world and the future. Beck then developed self-report measures of depress ion and anxiety including Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSS), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Beck Youth Inventories. Section 3 Question # 2I think Beck seen human beings as basically being good. Beck states that depressive cognition could be a result of traumatic experience or incapable of adapting coping skills. Depressive people have a negative perception or belief about themselves and their environment. According to Beck,†If beliefs do not change, there is no improvement. If beliefs change, symptoms change. † I think this means that your thoughts and beliefs affect your behavior, He believed that bad behavior is caused due to bad thinking, and that thinking is shaped by our beliefs.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Creative Thinking Week 4

How might you use the strategies for applying creativity to problems and issues in addressing this topic? I would use the novel approach with a few things, first I would use it to encourage readers to research each candidate, get all the facts available and second I would be sure to have both good and bad facts as part of the article its self not as part of the end of the article, however I do like the links to other articles that pertain to that issue.I would also try to improve what the writer of the article said; I think I would have added more about this year’s campaign slogan and what the president has on his to do list. I might even ask for reader comments, or their answer to a particular question. This would incorporate the reader’s views and help me to appeal to them more. I would also try to redefine the first campaign to show how while not everything that was promised has been done, progress has been made, and we are still moving forward but we have to give th ings time, none of this happened over night and it is not going to be fixed overnight either.Most importantly I want to be sure that I present facts but in a way that sounds like I am actually saying it, I want to give it my own twist of creativity. How might you use the strategies for promoting curiosity in addressing this topic? Why do you think these strategies might be effective? By using the strategies for promoting curiosity in addressing this topic you are going deeper into your work and getting the whole picture.Curiosity is having the desire to learn, that means you ask questions, research, do everything in your power to know more about whatever it is you are curious in. I think these strategies might be effective because it allows you to go deeper and see what is lying beneath it all. You will be able to find out information that you wouldn’t be able to know from the first glance. Being curious makes you gain more knowledge, in this situation you would be able to pr ovide the best information on the topic and provide all the right answers for both sides to your readers.How might you use the various methods for producing ideas to eliminate the bias from the original article and still present a factual and persuasive case? To make my topics and articles more interesting I will use all the strategies. The reason being for using all the strategies is because I want to add more life to the article and get the viewers to fully read through my article. One of the strategies is taking a novel approach, I believe that if I take a novel approach in the article that I wrote then I ill have the readers reading the article as a story so they can get more in depth with the article. Another strategy is devising or modifying a process or system, with this I will make sure that I have a plan so that I will not be free handing through my entire article. I will also use finding new uses for existing things because the stories in the article may involve old storie s but adding new stories will brighten the article more. Lastly, inventing or redefining a concept so that my article looks the part and looks new and improved.

Environmental economics Essay

It is a familiar characteristic of city life; it is a type of large scale outdoor pollution. It consists of fog grossly contaminated by the product of the inefficient combustion of coal. Chemical reaction between pollutants derived from different sources primarily automobile exhaust and industrial emissions. For each city that exact causes of pollution may be different, depending on the geographical location, temperature, wind and weather factors, smog in its acute form occurs especially during the warm months of the year. Notable, air pollution disaster of this kind was recorded in December 1952 where London smog lasted in the acute stage for five days and overall for ten days. Casualties were among cattle and opera performance had to be stopped after the audience had no vision of the stage. More seriously though, it was estimated to have been directly responsible for an additional four thousand deaths. Specify the externalities/factors that have made this problem and the extent of the externalities involved, the impact and recent trends. In pure market economy resource allocation is the result of the decisions of consumers (households) and producers (firms) who seek to maximize the difference between benefit and incurred costs i. e. private benefit and private cost. But in the weakness of the market economy is that it may fail to take account of any additional benefit or cost which spill over from the original decisions. The cost or benefits additional to those which are the immediate concerns of the parties to a transaction are the spill-overs or externalities, they are not provided for directly in the market place. Due to activities of individuals or firms human based or naturally pollution occurs as a result of emitting too much of a substance to the environment so as to have harmful effects. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals present in the atmosphere. These dangerous chemicals can be either in form of gases or particles and have diverse and numerous effects on human beings and the natural ecosystems. Because it is located in the atmosphere, air pollution is able to travel easily therefore making it a global problem and to a subject of cooperation and conflict. Emission of nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, lead, suspended particulates and organic compounds that can evaporate and enter the atmosphere. Air pollution caused naturally includes forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radio activity. This does not occur in abundance in particular locations. Most pollution is as a result of human activity. The biggest causes are the operation of fossil fuel: – burning power plants and automobiles that combust fuel. These few factors are responsible for up to 90% of all air pollution in the United States alone. Other cities like Japan, China, Mexico and San Paulo have some of the most deadly pollution emission levels in the world. The world we are in is driven by fossil fuels, cars and other forms of transportation i. e. tracks, trains, aeroplanes e. t. c. run primarily on gasoline derived from oil. We can therefore say that some of the pollution issues that we face currently are directly related to the energy choice we have. Cooking, heating, lighting, e. . c. for homes, work places, industries using oil, coal and natural gas making us prone to pollution. Solutions to this problem begin with the logic of cost. This is where issues of renewable energy alternatives are suggested but corresponding arguments of greater energy efficiency and reliance on renewable energy is also advocated for. Some notable air pollution disasters are for example: the most publicized issues of second hand smoking. The smokers not only harm themselves but also others close by when they breathe this smoke. Industrial emissions did contribute to respiratory symptoms for several individuals and sixty deaths in Meuse area of Belgium in December 1930. In Danara, Pennsylvania, October 1948, twenty people died as a result of smog. This is a recurring problem that has seen world population mortality rate go up, low life expectancy e. t. c, this is due to diseases present in modern society and were not present 100 years go. Define using examples how policies to reduce this problem could be measured. Benefit management Policies set out to restrict smoking are important in attaining a healthy environment and individual. Policies to regulate smoking are in effect in some locations, but personal exposure should be motivated and limited wherever possible. However a combination of scientist, legislators, business leaders and individuals is a prerequisite for adherence and advocacy with a view to achieving a better environment. In this case therefore second hand smokers are protected especially in public places, this has therefore resulted to a decline in lung cancer, respiratory cases which would have cost the government and the unsuspecting persons a lot of money for treatment. On realizing the catastrophic effect of pollution and the environmental and personal costs associated with it, monitoring the air and environment campaign lead to: (i) Education in schools and universities where students begin at a very young age learning about the effects of pollution. They are taught and trained on management and conservation which carries in handy in the proceeding years of their life. (ii) Scientific groups have also been formulated as a result of government policies. These aim to study the environment with a view of coming up with solutions of encroaching problems and finding lasting and workable solutions (iii) legislative bodes have also contributed enormously by writing down laws that control emission. In this case therefore persons found violating the set laws is liable for prosecution. This makes industries oblige to avoid pollution and consequently revert to better and safer methods of production. (iv) Policies have also enabled the setting up of regulatory agencies e. g. united nations, the atmosphere management program to carry out environmental projects. They are bale to monitor, advocate and control the environment. These and much more are examples on policy formulated for better management and monitoring of the environment. As a result therefore emission of waste to minimized, controlled and checked. Dumping, waste disposal and waste management is carried out in a better way and thus reducing pollution levels. We also see that health cases and deaths are minimized, the government and individuals end up spending less for treatment in pollution related illnesses. The scenarios and beauty of landscapes, plants, etc is also retained. Measuring the cost of reducing the problem In conducting environmental sound economic analysis, we are required to determine the environmental and natural resource impact of the project or policy in question. In this case therefore it is the smog effect. It should also handle biological and social effects. One needs to measure the impact to determine the cost of solving it and this relies on the experts such as engineers, ecologists, agronomists, etc. We also put into consideration valuing the physical impact and relationship. Environmental impact can result in a miserable change in environmental quality. Estimating cost is generally easier than estimating benefits but it is not easy. One major problem derived from the fact that benefit cost analysis is forward looking and thus requires an estimate of what a particular strategy will cost which is more difficult than tracking down what an existing strategy does cost. Another fundamental problem disposed by collecting cost information when the availability of the information is controlled by a firm having an interest in the outcome.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Why does ADHD impact on academic perfomance and what can be done to Essay

Why does ADHD impact on academic perfomance and what can be done to support ADHD children in the classroom - Essay Example th proper identification of factors comprising academic disadvantages, classroom based interventions could be designed to assist and support children diagnosed for ADHD. The strengths of the article come in terms of the authors’ ability to present the discourse in a clear, understandable and well-structured format that could be comprehended by the general audience. By defining terms, citing authoritative sources, and arriving at concise findings, readers from various academic backgrounds could appreciate the contents. The authors used clear language and words, where appropriate examples are provided for clarity and expounded explanations, as needed. On the other hand, the only weakness observed from the article was its lack of tables or illustrations that could summarize findings in a more concise and detailed manner. With the article being presented in literary form all throughout, readers would have tendencies lose focus and interest. Otherwise, the general evaluation is exemplary as the authors were able to achieve their identified objective of reviewing the relationship between ADHD and academic performance. More importantly, by providing â€Å"strategies that are directed towards remediating the academic impairment of individuals with ADHD† (Daley & Birchwood, 2010, p. 455), various practitioners are made aware of the interventions available to address concerns on children with ADHD. on academic performance and what can be done to support ADHD children in the classroom? Child: Care, Health and Development , Volume 36, Issue 4, 455-464. Retrieved 29 August 2011, from

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Bad practices in Restaurants in the UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bad practices in Restaurants in the UAE - Essay Example As these restaurants prepare various kinds of cuisines, it becomes difficult for them to abide by all the norms of hygiene. Almost most of them nowadays, do not comply with the norms devised by the food control authority of the country. The paper will argue how the restaurants and food control authority ignore hygienic practices in restaurants of UAE. It gives an account of the causes leading to these bad practices, the final outcome of neglect and the solutions some of which are reflected in terms of the steps taken by the authority. The study would argue on the basis of secondary research as well as results from primary survey to capture the choice pattern of public. A brief interview and survey was conducted on a randomly drawn sample of 50 people online and at the American University of Sharjah to understand on what basis the customers choose restaurants to go and eat. Causes: The restaurants in UAE are facing severe hygiene troubles as all the restaurants do not employ qualified or trained employees. To maintain low costs, the employers generally employ untrained and unprofessional people in their restaurants. â€Å"One in every three people responsible for hygiene in Dubai’s restaurants is not qualified† (Malek, May23, 2012). ... (Malek, Oct 19, 2011). It is understood that Indians make up 65 per cent of the food industry workforce, Asian comprise 20 per cent of workers, with Arabs making up 12 per cent. The results point out that the majority of workers are not receiving efficient hygiene training (Shaheen and Dajani, Mar 1, 2010). The lack of a culture of hygiene and food safety in restaurants and food outlets is a key reason for illness.   For example, the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority instructed the closing of Al Tazaj Fakieh Grilled Chicken, a restaurant in the Hamdan Centre building along Hamdan Bin Mohammad Street, for recurrent breach of food safety policy.(Kader, April 18, 2011). Sometimes the food is also not prepared in proper clean environment and furnished place. It therefore leaves a risk behind in the whole making of the food (Occupational Food Handling and Food Preparation Areas, February, 2012, p.9). Out of the 130 restaurants inspected, 8 were accused of unhygienic practices while 95 ha ve been alerted – â€Å"Offences included poor ventilation, unclean cooking areas and piling food in refrigerators in a way that could lead to cross contamination† (The National Staff, 2012). The Ibrahim restaurant was ordered to shut down after the food authority in Abu Dhabi found â€Å"cockroaches and other insects in the restaurant’s kitchen and dining area† (Abu Dhabi food inspectors cracking down on restaurants, 2012) . Some related issues can also be identified. For instance, problems like temperature control, contamination and food poisoning are witnessed due to unhygienic methods employed in the cooking process. Controlling temperatures of food in high-risk outlets such as hotels, cafeterias, restaurants and catering companies

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Activities Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Activities - Research Paper Example The journey through highly successful advertising practices and the obvious benefits attached of Aspirin, specifically Bayer Aspirin is one of note. Bayer AG according to the Bayer AG website was originally founded as, â€Å"The general partnership "Friedr. Bayer et comp." was founded on August 1, 1863 in Barmen - now a district of the city of Wuppertal - by dye salesman Friedrich Bayer (1825-1880) and master dyer Johann Friedrich Weskott (1821-1876). The object of the company was the manufacture and sale of synthetic dyestuffs.† (â€Å"Bayer AG† 1) Originally medicines were not something that this company desired to promote and it did quite well in the promotion of its synthetic dyes. Growing from three original employees to over 300 by the time it became a joint stock company. This rapid growth was almost directly attributable to the success and ability of its founders in marketing and advanced approaches to products. â€Å"Sterling Drug benefited from World War I. B ecause supplies of drugs from Germany were cut off by the Allied blockade, they set up the Winthrop Company to manufacture the active ingredients. After the war, Sterling acquired the American Bayer Company. They established a separate subsidiary, the Bayer Company, to market Bayer Aspirin† (â€Å"Sterling Drug, Inc.† 1). ... â€Å"Bayer AG transformed into a management holding company and the related hive-down of business operations into legally independent companies, the number of employees dropped from 36,010 at the beginning of 2003 to 590 on December 31, 2003.† (â€Å"Bayer AG (BAYRY)† 4). This reorganization reduced the direct workforce and enhanced the ability of the parent holding corporation to better separate assets as well as increase overall profitability. Aspirin was the result of massive efforts towards research within the original Bayer organization and in 1899 Aspirin ® was developed by Felix Hoffman and quickly became known as the drug of the century. According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lemelson program, Hoffman’s â€Å"miracle drug† was the result of solid research and hard work. On August 10, 1897, he succeeded with this endeavor: By combining acetylating salicylic acid with acetic acid, he created acetylsalicylic acid, or ASA, with the right characteristics for consumer use. The substance had the ability to relieve fever, pain and inflammation, all without upsetting the patient's stomach (â€Å"Aspirin† 1) Prior efforts had made this a difficult drug for people to use as it had irritated the stomach severely. Now it was able to be used regularly and did not cause the irritation to the stomach that had occurred before. The advertising behind this wonder drug also showed the desire of the manufacturers to promote it as in 1917 patents regarding the manufacture of this drug expired. In July 1916 a journal titled, The Pharmaceutical Era included the following information regarding the advertising campaign being conducted by The Bayer Company, Inc. This journal stated that, â€Å"The Bayer Company, Inc., which for some months past has